Wenn die Chemie stimmt
Die Fortschritte einer Wissenschaft im Spiegel der Nobelpreise (ca. transl.: “The chemistry is right – The progress of a science reflected in the Nobel prizes”)
Die Fortschritte einer Wissenschaft im Spiegel der Nobelpreise (ca. transl.: “The chemistry is right – The progress of a science reflected in the Nobel prizes”)
Nobel Prizes have been around since 1901. They reflect the progress of science. But with each individual prize, personal fates, friendships, dependencies and the spirit of the times also come to light. This book is about the Nobel Prizes for Chemistry – with detours into the related fields of medicine and physics.
The publisher’s page is here.
Doris Fischer-Henningsen, Roswitha Harrer
Bückle & Böhm
Regensburg, 2018